FREE Stock Analysis Template

Do you want a spreadsheet template so that you can quickly analyze any company at any time? Fill the form below, it’s 100% FREE!

How does it work?

In the stock analysis template you will be able to type the ticker of the stock and pull the latest company financial data, including estimated fair value price based on FCF estimates from multiple analysts.

The spreadsheet does NOT hide any formula, this way you can change values if you want, review the calculations or even add more information on it.

Check this video below where I explain in details how to use the template and provide more information about it.

Can’t watch the video?

Just in case you couldn’t watch the video above, here’s a brief description of how to use the template.

The screenshot below shows the first tab of the spreadsheet (Overview). The green cells are the inputs needed. It’s where you can add the stock symbol, desired rate of return and perpetual growth rate.

It’s important to highlight that in the top of the sheet you can see current Market Cap, Share Price and Fair Value based on the DCF calculation using the inputs provided.

Next tab is the DCF Analysis, here you can see what is the estimated average of FCF for the next years. This estimation comes from multiple analysts and in each green cell you can change the weight (%) of that number. If you have your own numbers, feel free to add them in the column C and replace all formulas.