Welcome to our new experience

As of early 2024, we replaced our old google sheet template with a whole website for studying stocks. Below I'll leave a few more details regarding this transition but feel free to contact us in case of additional questions.

Why did you change?

The old spreadsheet was not an scalable solution. The website allows me to push updates and new features without the need of forcing users to re-download the spreadsheet template. Also, the website has a better user experience, is more robust, reliable and maintanable.

What's the difference in functionalities?

The website carry the same core functionalities we had in our old spreadhseet. So far is very very basic but I'll be adding more features overtime.

Is it still free to use?

Yes, everything is free but I do have costs to keep everything running so I appreciate if you're able to help with anything
Have in mind that to see the details of the stocks and calculate their fair value you need to be logged in.

How can I contact you?

If you face any problems with the website or have suggestions, additional questions. Feel free to reach me out at contact@studyingstocks.com

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